Week 2- Activities

Past It On

The remix


What is your definition of remixing? You can take one project; make some changes; improve it and then you can share it whit the community to learn more about programing with scratch

How did it feel to remix? How did it feel to be remixed? It’s interesting how you can see an idea and how you can be able to increase the programing just adding a sound or an effect; an how you can simplify programing in order to make for efficient a project.
 What are the opportunities and challenges with this activity for your students? I have many students how learn watching others projects to create other and then they get the program concept to make their own.


How would you explain "Make a Block" to someone else?  It´s a block were you can create a mini-program so you can call it when you want it

When might you use "Make a Block"? When I want two that two things happened and the same time.


How would you describe Broadcast to someone else?  Broadcast it’s like secret code; you can used a word as a order, and with that order you can make sprite do different programing scripts

When would you use timing in a project? When would you use broadcasting? I use timing when I need to be exactly in timing in a programing order; and you can use broadcasting when you need something happened when you play del project, as in a game when I player have ten points change send a broadcasting message and all the sprites will disappear or appear.



What does the Stage have in common with sprites?  You can program also but with son limits.

How do you initialize sprites in a scene?  You can do it with de green flag, with broadcasting (when I receive),  when the sprite is clicked, when any key it’s pressed.  

What other types of projects (beyond animations) employ scene changes?  The multilevel games or presentations.
How did others use backdrops in the studio? To tell a story, to simulated a place in motion and games.

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