Week 4- Activities

Workshop Project: Defining and Planning 

 1. Workshop project problem/exploration/question statement

-To train Computer Lab and Special Education teachers to deepen their skills of the computer programs "Scratch" and "Makey-Makey" to support learning for all students through technology.

2. Workshop project format

-Two days- Workshop

3. Workshop project needs: 

-A computer lab, 10 makeymakey, supplies (crayons, recyclin materials and others)

4. Workshop project plan

- one day for plannig and invite people to the workshop

- one day to find all the materials

- two days for Workshop

-one day to evaluate the project

5. Workshop project keywords 

-scratch, makeymakey, special ed. teacher, computer lab, curriculum


Inspiration Studio
     How might each project in the studio help you with your project? They give some ideas so I can make my own project
     How might you give credit for these different sources of inspiration? Including the bibliography in my proposal

Advanced Features

What was your strategy for learning more about the feature(s) you selected? Exploring
What does the phrase "advanced features" make you feel or make you think about? It means that I can construct projects with some elements; so in the end it will look like complex  
What are your strategies for knowing what you don't yet know? Do research to find how it works

Educational Programs
     Which programs did you explore?  Boys & Girls Clubs Game Tech, Maker Education Initiative
     What was something that surprised you? How we can easily learn about something just following steps, and how easy you can show to young people.
     What type of experience would you want to offer? I will like to help special ed. Teacher to find a way to work with students; using technology.

Activity Exploration  
Short Scratch Programming Challenges  http://scratched.media.mit.edu/resources/short-scratch-programming-challenges
Design Studio Activities  http://scratched.media.mit.edu/resources/design-studio
Debug it!  http://scratched.media.mit.edu/resources/debug-it
 What was similar about your selected activities?  They are for Experienced with Scratch
  What was different about your selected activities?  They meant to promote programing in different ways.

How do these activities support (or not support) diverse interests? We have a lot of different students, how learn in different ways so it’s better when you have resources to supplied their needs.

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